Our Partners
The Arc of United States
The Arc promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.
Hawaii Island United Way
Essential health and human service programs include substance abuse treatment, services for the mentally and physically challenged, emergency shelter, food and health care for the homeless, youth recreation and family support services, just to name a few.
Kona Kohala Chamber of Commerce
The Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce (KKCC). The Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce is the leading business advocacy organization on the west side of the Big Island of Hawaii.
Hawaii Waiver Provider Association
As a statewide association of service providers, the Hawaii Waiver Providers Association (HWPA) provides leadership to collaborate and shape the service system to most meet the needs of our ultimate customer, the individual with mental retardation and developmental disabilities (MR/DD).
Hawaii State Council on Developmental Disabilities
The Hawai’i State Council on Developmental Disabilities is mandated by federal (P.L. 106-402) and state (Chapter 333E, Hawaii Revised Statutes) laws to: plan, coordinate, evaluate, monitor, and advocate on behalf of individuals with developmental disabilities; and assure that individuals with developmental disabilities and their families participate in the design of and have access to culturally competent services, supports, and other assistance and opportunities that promote independence, productivity, and integration, and inclusion into the community.
Disability and Communication Access Board
As of January 1, 2000, the DCAB became one Governor-appointed board replacing three former boards: the Commission on Persons with Disabilities, the Hawaii State Coordinating Council on Deafness, and the Architectural Access Committee.
The DCAB is comprised of seventeen (17) board members, who are Governor-appointed volunteers. Members include: persons with disabilities, parents or guardians of persons with disabilities, public and private providers of service, and other professionals who are knowledgeable in the areas for which DCAB has rule-making authority.
The Food Basket
Hawai’i Island’s Food Bank
Mission is to end hunger in Hawai’i County by distributing the safest and highest quality food for Hawai’i County.
Charity Walk Hawai’i
In 1978, the Hawai`i Lodging & Tourism Association members voted to extend the reach of support offered by the Walk's fundraising capability. The Visitor Industry CHARITY WALK is the result of this decision. Since its inception in 1978, over $40 million has been raised and helped hundreds of local charities throughout the State.
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) provides services to Hawai’i community members who experience barriers to employment due to a physical or cognitive disability. DVR is designed to assist job seekers with disabilities to prepare, secure, and retain competitive employment in an integrated work setting.
SPIRIT Club offers a range of exercise services: virtual online training classes, community group classes, private fitness classes for organizations, and person & partner training. Fitness should be accessible to you, regardless of your circumstances. They offer a universal design for fitness that empowers people of all abilities to exercise successfully in a socially integrated setting.
Deep and Beyond
Deep and Beyond hosts monthly adaptive snorkel days for people with disabilities on Hawai’i Island. Allowing individuals the opportunity to explore nature, participate in adventure activities, and experience the freedom of the ocean.
Developmental Disabilities Division, State of Hawai’i
Serves people with intellectual /developmental disabilities who qualify to receive services. Provide quality person-centered services and supports that promote healthy, safe, meaningful, self-determined lives.